Other Asiatic species

Since the 19th century, thanks to the exploits of many an intrepid explorer, there has been a huge influx of Primula species into our gardens from the mountainous regions of Asia and new species are still being discovered. Our collection includes some of the species that are the easiest to grow in our gardens and most of them make breath-taking displays. 

Flowering period: Asiatic Primula extend the flowering season extensively as they generally flower later than our native primroses with the majority flowering from late spring to early summer. There are exceptions though as some species such as P. rosea will flower very early and some twice a year such as P. capitata, which will flower in spring and also in early autumn.

Culture: growing Asiatic Primula species in our gardens ranges from very easy to being quite tricky. Please consult the individual plant descriptions for the right conditions. As a general rule they will not do well in pots so ideally it is best to find the correct conditions for them in the garden. 

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