We are pleased to have reintroduced this very old variety of a hose-in-hose cowslip that comes 95% true from seed. A bright refreshing yellow, stunning in the garden. A Barnhaven strain added to our collection in 2011. Awarded the Trophy at the St Jean de Beauregard flower show in 2012.
A hose-in-hose cowslip was first mentioned in 1597 by John Gerard in his "Historie of plants" :
"The fourth is likewise known by the name of double cowslips having but one floure within the other, which maketh the same once double...called by Pena Geminata for the likeness of the floures, which are brought forth as things against nature of twinnes".
For more information on growing and caring for Polyanthus primroses – please read this section on growing Primroses and Polyanthus.
Data sheet
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